Rugrats in Paris: The Movie

Rugrats in Paris: The Movie is based on the 2000 movie of the same name. You find yourself once again in Euro Reptarland where the goal is to find Chuckie a new princess to become his mother. Mini-games to advance you through the game include target shooting, fishing, tossing frogs, and hammer shot. 

Rampage Through Time

Rampage Through Time introduces a time-travel element to the Rampage franchise. Your oversized mutants travel to time periods such as the Old West, gangster and Medieval times smashing stuff along the way.

Rampage 2: Universal Tour

Like its predecessor, Rampage World Tour, Rampage 2 continues to let you stomp out cities and wreck things. In this version, three more monsters have been created by a radioactive goop and now they want to free their captured friends. You travel to New York, Tokyo and London and smash through 25 levels to do so.

Off-Road Challenge

Off Road Challenge is a truck racing game that lets you drive monster trucks and dune buggies across bumpy terrain, mud and desert. Smash and dash is the name of the game so take out your gaming aggressions on fences, trucks, speeding trains, bouncing tires, and even falling boulders and UFOs. Once you complete a circuit you move up to the next level and do it all over again!

Mortal Kombat Trilogy

One-on-one martial arts fighting at its best!All the characters from the first three games return to do battle with an expanded roster of over 30 fighters, each with their own special moves. What’s more trilogy allows you to play combinations of characters that were previously unplayable.