Hey everyone! It’s been a little while, but we’re back with some exciting news. The team here at Avalanche has been hard at work, and I’m thrilled to finally share a new update for Hogwarts Legacy! Official modding is now available in Hogwarts Legacy on PC and we’ve made it easy to jump in and experience them yourself.
Here’s how to use mods in Hogwarts Legacy.

To get started, head to the “Play Mods” option on the main menu of the game. This will bring you to the in-game Hogwarts Legacy mod interface. Here, the “Discovery” and “Browse” tabs house a growing collection of user-created mods across a variety of categories. Any mods you’ve favorited or installed will appear in your Library tab.

When you find a mod you like, simply click on it to view more details, like notes about it from the mod author and additional screenshots. Then, hit “Install Mod” to download and install it. You can also favorite, rate, or report mods from this screen. Rating mods helps other players see which ones are most popular in the community and will help us keep the Discovery tab updated with what’s trending.

To enable the mods that you’ve installed, go to the “Enable Mods” tab.
Modded saves are separate from your normal save files, so you’ll either need to start a new character or copy one of your un-modded saves, both of which you can do on this screen. Don’t worry—creating a modded save won’t affect your unmodded saves.

Now you can choose which mods to activate for each of your modded save files. Once you’ve selected the mods you want active, just load up your modded save or start a new game from this menu.

Remember, modded saves must be loaded from the “Enable Mods” menu in the mods interface. If you start a save game from the Hogwarts Legacy main menu, you’ll be playing without mods.

Enjoy your new mods, and happy playing!