
ソルトレイクシティの中心部、美しいワサッチ山脈の麓に位置する Avalanche Software は、ゲームを制作するだけでなく、瞬間、魔法、そして思い出を創り出す創造的で情熱的なチームの本拠地です。

*Based on full game sales on console and PC worldwide. 

A person wearing a headset and an orange-brimmed cap is seated at a desk, engrossed in a video game displayed on a large monitor in front of them. The game features a character in a Hogwarts-like setting. The desk is equipped with two monitors, a keyboard, and a canned drink. In the background, there is a shelf filled with various models, including a large Hogwarts castle set.


Man in Mo-cap suit
Three avalanche employees posing for group photo
Cropped view of man and woman sitting at table, laptop open in foreground
Avalanche employee smiling in front of Hogwarts castle, being filmed by camera in foreground
Avalanche team clapping in large conference room
man working at desk, looking at several monitors
Avalanche employees sitting at desk in office, monitors on desk
Avalanche employees sitting at table in restaurant eating, smiling