Avalanche Software 坐落在鹽湖城的中心地帶,美麗的瓦薩奇山脈腳下,擁有一支富有創造力和熱情的團隊,他們不僅創造遊戲,還致力於開發遊戲。我們創造瞬間、魔法和回憶。
Formed in 1995 by a tight-knit group of friends who made games, Avalanche Software has extensive experience in the gaming industry, always embodying a “fan-first” perspective in our approach to making games that perfectly capture the franchises we work with. Over the past three decades, we’ve worked with beloved entertainment giants, bringing games to life on numerous platforms. Our journey has been marked by growth and collaboration, pushing boundaries to deliver the best possible games for our players.
Avalanche’s versatility spans genres and platforms. From our early days working with the Mortal Kombat series, to the Avalanche original Tak and the Power of Juju, we’ve showcased adaptability and innovation, laying the foundation for our future successes within the gaming industry. This dedication to our craft remains unwavering with both veterans and newer members of the team alike.
As part of Disney Interactive from 2005 – 2016, our Avalanche team adapted several Disney properties into interactive experiences, culminating in the toys-to-life series Disney Infinity. This period marked a transformative collaboration, bringing Disney characters and worlds-including Marvel and Star Wars— to life in new and imaginative ways. Our focus continued to remain on letting our own passion reflect the passion of the fans.
Becoming a member of the Warner Bros. Games family in 2017, at Avalanche Software we began working on our most ambitious project yet – Hogwarts Legacy. As the #1 best-selling game of 2023 worldwide*, Hogwarts Legacy fulfilled the Wizarding World fantasy for players around the world. Hogwarts Legacy showcased the passion, collaboration, and a fan-first approach for our development team.
*Based on full game sales on console and PC worldwide.
在 Avalanche,創新是我們工作室的核心。我們培育一種創造力飛揚、擁抱大膽想法的文化。我們的團隊無縫協作,融合了藝術、設計和技術領域的多元化人才,以突破遊戲開發的界限。這種對團隊合作和創新的承諾確保每個專案不僅僅是一個遊戲,而是樹立新行業標準的突破性體驗。
品質是我們的基石——我們製作的每款遊戲都證明了我們的高標準,旨在創造持久的影響。在 Avalanche,我們也優先考慮平衡的工作環境,其中樂趣和熱情不可或缺。透過工作室活動、遊戲之夜和團隊郊遊,我們培育了一個充滿活力的社區,慶祝每一個里程碑,並在每個挑戰中互相支持。

創造不成文的。加入 Avalanche,與充滿激情、創新的思想家和實干家團隊一起打造您在遊戲行業的職業生涯,同時與深受喜愛的特許經營權和娛樂巨頭合作,創造魔法、時刻和回憶。